Publication date
6 December 2024
Reference number: FOI24/413
Date of access: 29 November 2024
FOI request: Access to the following documents (date range 10th of June 2024 to 23 August 2024) in relation to the “Inspector of the National Anti-Corruption Commission to inquire into the decision not to investigate referrals from the Royal Commission into the Robodebt Scheme”. (Excluding all communication (emails and letters etc) from and to the public regarding this request).
- All final emails and letters (not duplicates and excluding all attachments/enclosures to emails) between the Inspector and the NACC related to the Inspector’s investigation of the NACC’s decision not to investigate the Royal Commission’s Robodebt referrals, including, but not limited to.
- All final emails and letters (not duplicates and excluding all attachments/enclosures to emails) between the Inspector and NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton.
- All final emails and letters (not duplicates and excluding all attachments/enclosures to emails) between the Inspector and all other NACC staff.
- All final emails and letters (not duplicates and excluding all attachments/enclosures to emails) between the Inspector and Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, his office and his department.
- All final emails and letters (not duplicates and excluding all attachments/enclosures to emails) between the Inspector and any external lawyers representing Commissioner Paul Brereton and NACC staff.
Information published: 17 documents released in part.